Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aquaman 1 quick shot review

The only comic I picked up this week is Aquaman 1. Everyone knows that Aquaman is the butt of all jokes, he is the lamest hero ever right…….There is a common stereotype that Aquaman is a joke character and just useless when it comes to battles with villains. Geoff John addresses all these common misinterpretation of Aquaman powers and makes it pretty damn entertaining. More on this after the jump.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Quick Review-9-21

I only picked up three comics this week, all of which I thought was pretty good. One of those was pretty controversial. First lets take a look at this Fear Itself Preview.

Yeah pretty cliche way to end an event, the power-up at the last moment to defeat the villian. Remind me of how Power Rangers did every other battle. It just hard to feel anything for this event anymore. Maybe I should have just collected Spider Island instead. Well on to the reviews after the jump.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cable is Back; and quick reviews for 9-14-11

So Marvel next mini event is going to see the return of Cable and is entitled Cable X-sanction. It must be one of the ways Marvel is planning to give the X-men side of the universe more importance. Well I like Cable as a character, but I have a feeling I’m not going to like this event, just a gut feeling. However can’t judge until I read.  But not let’s get on to it, its another quick review of the comics I picked up. I so let’s start with DC.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Challengers Raffle!

      My Great Local comic book shop "Challengers Comics" is having a raffle to get new windows. The cost is for the windows is 3500 and they are selling raffle tickets for 5 bucks each. They're only looking to make enough for the windows no extra, so the raffle will only go on until they sell their 700 ticket. "What is the prize"?? Im glad you asked; second prize is $1000 of store credit, usable $25 a week for 40 weeks. First prize is  $2500 of store credit used for 100 weeks. Thats a lot of comics people. So if you live in Chicago, or you live in Illinois, or hey if you live further and want to test your luck, buy raffles tickets at Challengers. Here a link to their website, support your comic shop.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Quick reviews for 9-7-11

Yeah I was kind of like that.
     First off I apologize for my long absence, I was locked up in a containment center because my mutant gene. Long story short I escaped and burn the place down. So I’m going to start doing quick shot reviews of the comics I buy each week. Some weeks I may give some comic their own post because how bad or good it is but more often it is going to be quick reviews. It gets to the point fast and easy and let you know if you should buy it or not, because we all know our time is valuable… Alright let’s get started with Marvel.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Marvel Vs Star Wars

Ign have a versus voting poll on Marvel Vs Star Wars. Here the link .Now I'm not as big as a fan of the Star Wars universe as I am of Marvel, so in my eyes this matchup would be completly bias. I believe most fans would vote on bias as well but that not why I'm posting this. The art they have for this poll is phenomental. Jonathan Moore is a exceptional artist. Check out some of the Pictures below after the jump.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miles- The new Ultimate Spiderman

        Sorry for the long delay on this posting. I been busy with school, and got a new job. So I know this is old news by now but i still hear some people chatting about this. Let me get this out there early, Miles Morales is African American and Hispanic; do I think this was done more for publicity then for the story, it doesnt matter. Diversity is always good. Where in the comic law book do it say that just becuase the previous Spiderman was White that the next one is. Now that I got that out here more of my thoughts on this more after the jump.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Punisher 1!

           To start off I always enjoyed the character Punisher in comics. However, to me he was always the great costar never the best main; Always the rhythm guitarist never great at lead. Of course there are stories that are exceptions but I just never been super interested into him alone. However I saw Punisher issue 1 on stands and decided to pick it up. Read my brief review after the jump.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dc September 52 is coming up quickly;The five Title I Expect to be the Best

           So with the Dc 52 approaching faster than a speeding bullet, it time to figure out the comics you going to get, let be honest whether you love it or hate the reboot/relaunch (whatever you want to call it) many of us are going to pick up a lot of these titles.  This strategy may help Dc only for the short run or it could be everything they hope for and could hook many new readers. I’m planning to buy a lot of number 1s and then buy the first graphic novel they release and take it from there. However the five from the relaunch that I’m most excited about, or better stated expecting the most from is these, see more after the jump.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Surge of Superheros movies is now over, Was it good?

Well with the release of Captain America Last night, the Surge of Comic book movies are over for the year (I’m including Harry Potter, and Transformers in as well because fans seems to cross over). Was it good, bad, mixed results? Click read more for my opinion of this summer blockbuster movies and my brief thoughts on each movie. Captain may be a little longer because well… It was Awesome.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm Fearing Event Exhaust( my rating of Fear Itself so far)

        Why is it when one company starts an event, the other have to have one as well? This pushes readers to other minor companies…..wait a minute that don’t seem like a bad ideal. But all things aside, 4 issues into Fear Itself and I just want it to be over. I’m tired of the crossover banners on all my comics. It just make it seems so long. I’m all for the big ideals it brings but why must it involve everything. With Flashpoint and Fear Itself going on I feel exhausted. Click read more to further know my thoughts on Fear Itself.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Deadpool; Do you Love Him, Or Do you Hate Him?

         Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth; you either love him or you hate him. I love him but spending time on a lot of comic forums I don’t understand why he garner so much hate.  Seriously many people just hate the fact that he got a comic out. They want him to just disappear. These people just don't understand the character. Click read more to know my thoughts on Lil old Wade Wilson.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

How do You like your Comic Shop?

          I was lucky, the first comic book shop I went to was voted the best comic book shop in Chicago. My comic book shop of choice is Challengers comics. I know many people say the first comic book shop is their personal best,but i been around many comic book stores in Chicago and there a couple of reason why Challengers have the right stuff  that many other comic book stores get wrong or is missing. Click Read More on how comic books shops should be.

Friday, July 1, 2011

How to turn your Friends and Family into Comic Book Geeks.

            Being a comic book fan can be a lonely road. Many people still tend to look down on comics as a childish form of entertainment. Those people are idiots. Misinformed should be a nicer way to put it. We all felt if there was only a way to grab them and show them the fantastic world that they're missing. Well click read more for a couple of ways of getting those uninterested friends into pure Wednesday loving comic book fans.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Top 5 comic that still ongoing.

             I get asked which comics runs am i enjoying the most alot. so I decided to do a countdown of my top five comic books that is still going on and why.

First however is my runner "The Walking Dead" by Kirkman. Its hard for comics to attract fans and stay on the stands that not part of Marvel Or Dc, especially for a zombie story. Well Walking Dead beat all odds and is a great story, for everyone. I gave my girlfriend(who doesnt read comics) a trade and she addicted to it like me. Its a great comic, plus a great T.V show. So experience it anyway you can. Dont miss out.

Now on to the top 5, click read  more to see the five greatest comics on stands now.

Thank You

         I like to use this post to thank all those who come and read my thoughts on the happenings in comics. This is a fairly new blog, and you guys are my early supporters meaning you are the most important in the development of my blog. My goal is to make this blog as big as cbr, or ign, or newsrama.
To do that however I need a little help from you guys, please spread word of my blog and remember to visit weekly yourself. I will always try to post weekly, but the more views I get daily is the more often I will post. Also if you got an question, or want to contribute to this blog or want to know my opinion on somthing or want me to write an article on a happening. Just contact me by email or leave a comment. More comments is always a plus. So once again, thank my early supporters you guys are the best, with your help we can take over the world.....What got to dream big. Seriously I appreciate you guys.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Digital Comics vs Print

 IS this the Future of comics?
     There been a lot of talk about digital comics latly; especially more so now that Dc revealed that they going to have a fluent digital comic release once their universe relaunch happens in Septemeber. I have strong feelings against digital comics. I fear my opposition to it may be futile though. I may be what Vcr fans was to the Dvd player, or CD players to the Ipod. The more I think about it the more i realize print comics stand a chance. Dvd are superior to videos, Ipods are superior to cd player, but Digital is not superior to print. More after the jump...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Short Comic Arcs VS Long Comic Arcs; Benefits of Both

         I talked to many comic books stores owners and even more comic book fans and it seems their is no common consensus of which is the best. Some perfer short 6 issue arcs like what Benis is currently doing with the Avengers, and some perfer longer more planned out stories like what Hickman do with most of his writing(S.H.I.E.L.D, FF, Secret Warriors). After the jump I discuss the benefits of both short term and long term stories and leave it up to you to decide which one is the best.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

DC UNiverse Relaunch....Bad Ideal

      So according to sites such as cbr, and Ign, Dc is planning a line wide relaunch in September after Flashpoint. I was afraid this was going to happen. I think its a really bad ideal and just a way for Dc to make some more money. Their excuse is that it would make comics easier for new comic book readers to get into. New comic readers are always good but this way I highly disagreed with. More reason reason why I dislike it after the jump.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Batman And Robin, Best Batman comic out Currently?

     The Dc comic series Batman and Robin is amazing. It one of my most prized collections. If i had to chose between that and some other comic because i only have enough to get one more, Batman and Robin is surely to be my pick. Like many, its obvious im a huge fan of Batman, but it come a surprise to me that  my favorite series is the one without Bruce Wayne, and that my favorite Batman character ever is Damien. I believe Damien is the reason why I, and many other enjoy this comic so much. Read more after the jump on reasons why this comic maybe one of the best Batman title out best comic out there currently.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Marvel and Dc events. Flashpoint vs Fear Itself

        Its Back! Marvel and DC crosswide events are back from the dead. It been about a year since Blackest Night and Siege and after a year long break they returning. Here is what im collecting and what im not after the jump.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thor review!

       Now to start this review off, let me begin by saying Asgard was simply spectacular. I was a little worried how they would make it look, well nothing to be worried about. It blew my expectations out of  the water, more than out the water, it blew it out of the planet. I found myself wanting to see more of Asgard, to see more of where the lower asgardian class live. The Earth scenes are straight out of the comic. It reminded me of a recent issue of Thor. Nicely done on that part too.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Norman Osborn-Ultimate Hero?

   I reread the Dark Avengers recently and it still is one of my favorite series by Bendis. He really reinvented Norman Osborn, well not reinvent but  brought him more to the forefront. Norman Osborn became someone more than the guy who was Green Goblin throughout the Dark Reign. In Dark Avengers is where he catapult into my top 30 comic book characters. In the last issue of Dark Avengers(issue 16), Norman Osborn was talking to himself(green goblin) about all the good he was going to do. He states " I know the mutants of this world will rise up and kill us. I know the Hulk will one day decide to destroy everything he sees. I know the Punisher will one day kill the wrong person and set off a chain that will lead to the nuclear holocaust. I know that theses heroes will dive Head First into something they do not understand and end up doing such insane damage to the world that human can no longer live on". 
     So it appears Norman Osborn was just really looking out for the people, the powerless ones in the Marvel universe. So would you consider Osborn one of the true heroes of the universe? Even if his methods was off, it was all for a good goal right?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What to Expect.

So this is a new blog dedicated to comics,movies, occasionally music and maybe other media things. But mostly it is a comic blog. I will be informing readers of current comic book news and giving my own opinions on such. You could expect reviews of comics i read and currently collect(reviews on every comic is impossible since im not rich). Also reviews on movies and music will also be included. This is a place where it completly possible to discuss these topics without having to worry about spammer or know it all commenters, just a place to discuss. I'm a writer so i will be posting excerpts from my stories,poems or anything else for constructive critism. So that what to expect. Welcome!!! and dont forget to subscribe.

Current buy list: Batman and robin/ Batman Inc/Avengers/Secret Avengers/Uncanny X-Force/ Thunderbolts/S.h.i.e.l.d.   

Mini series:Hawkeye Blindspot/5 Ronin.

If you are reading anything different your reviews are welcomed as well. So review and discuss. Once again Welcome subscribe and posting from me would be daily.