Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth; you either love him or you hate him. I love him but spending time on a lot of comic forums I don’t understand why he garner so much hate. Seriously many people just hate the fact that he got a comic out. They want him to just disappear. These people just don't understand the character. Click read more to know my thoughts on Lil old Wade Wilson.

Deadpool first appeared in The New Mutants #98 (Feb. 1991). His creator Fabian Nicieza gave him the name Wade Wilson because of his similarity to Slade Wilson of DC. This is where a lot of the hate starts. I read and heard that since he was just created as a rip off of Slade, their no point for him to still be around. These people are forgetting that a lot of character was created from the ideas of others. That just how the comic book industry go. A majority of comic book characters wouldn’t exist if we go by that idea.

Another reason people tend to hate him is his comedy. Listen that is just his character he sometimes have clever jokes sometimes its corny and cheap, it’s all depends on the writer. If you want your comic book character to be emotionally scared and serious most of the time, that’s fine; but if that is the case go read Wolverine because Deadpool is not going to be that character. Also I love the fact that he a loose character, you could do any story with him, there no limit no matter how crazy the ideal may seem. That a huge benefit for the writers who imagining this crazy ideal involving Hercules and someone random like Taskmaster. They could use Deadpool to make sense of a story that really wouldnt really fit with any other character. I don’t need him to be serious, I get that enough with Batman, Wolverine and a majority of other characters. I want him to be funny, and random, and a parody of all things. That why i love him. He different from what i usually read.

I have no strong feelings on Deadpool either way. But he can be funny at times. And thee is certainly a time and a place for that.
You're right- to a degree. Uncanny X-Force has proven that Deadpool can be good in any situation, and he's not only a joke.
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