Thursday, August 18, 2011

Marvel Vs Star Wars

Ign have a versus voting poll on Marvel Vs Star Wars. Here the link .Now I'm not as big as a fan of the Star Wars universe as I am of Marvel, so in my eyes this matchup would be completly bias. I believe most fans would vote on bias as well but that not why I'm posting this. The art they have for this poll is phenomental. Jonathan Moore is a exceptional artist. Check out some of the Pictures below after the jump.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miles- The new Ultimate Spiderman

        Sorry for the long delay on this posting. I been busy with school, and got a new job. So I know this is old news by now but i still hear some people chatting about this. Let me get this out there early, Miles Morales is African American and Hispanic; do I think this was done more for publicity then for the story, it doesnt matter. Diversity is always good. Where in the comic law book do it say that just becuase the previous Spiderman was White that the next one is. Now that I got that out here more of my thoughts on this more after the jump.