Sorry for the long delay on this posting. I been busy with school, and got a new job. So I know this is old news by now but i still hear some people chatting about this. Let me get this out there early, Miles Morales is African American and Hispanic; do I think this was done more for publicity then for the story, it doesnt matter. Diversity is always good. Where in the comic law book do it say that just becuase the previous Spiderman was White that the next one is. Now that I got that out here more of my thoughts on this more after the jump.
Lately Ultimate Spiderman been getting a lot of mainstream attention, first with the death of Peter Parker and then with the reveal of the new Spiderman. The more attention the better, I’m all for new comic book readers so if this attention get people to their comic book shop great. I mean I never been a fan of the Ultimate Universe, but I’m seriously now thinking about picking this up and adding it to my pull list. So if this was the strategy it has proven effective. I also heard rumors that Miles Morales may be gay in the future. Well I don’t strongly oppose or support that decision, as long as the outcome is good entertaining comic book stories I’m more than happy.
Concept art for Miles suit |
I feel for Bendis to really capitalize on casual comic fans new found interests are to show huge distinct differences between Miles and Peter. Miles can’t just move and act like a Peter clone. He needs to develop a completely different personality, he need to fight differently to stand out. He needs to develop into his own or this really is just going seems like it was a publicity stunt. Miles Morales is 13 years old, two years younger than Peter Parker was in the Ultimate universe. Those are two different parts of a boy life. So the indecisiveness and immaturity should be relevant as a difference in Miles characters.
Like all things this can be hugely successful or a complete fail and they realize it and bring back Peter Parker. However, right now I see this as an interesting turn of events and want to see what Bendis have planned up his sleeves.
I guess I felt kind of negatively about them killing off any version of Peter Parker, but I am cool with the new Spidey.
I have no issue that hes black, or of mixed race.
I have heard a rumor based on almost nothing that he might be gay. I have no issue with this.
That Dark colored costume is kind of Meh, but I fully support the new Ultimate Spider-Man.
Marvel's Diversity actually kids a lot of ass once you get away from the handful of characters created in the 60s.
I stopped reading Ultimate Spidey way back during the "Clone Wars Saga" (money issues at the time), but I loved the book....and Bendis & Bagley.
I'm fine with Miles as the new long as the stories & art are good, it makes no difference to me what his ethnicity. Just like Mister Terrific or John Stewert in DC Comics....if the character is done right it is still great!
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