To start off im not a fan of alternate reality events. I feel like it just doesnt change anything really. Its seems like just someone random ideals with a mixture of what ifs, and fan fiction. Im not saying all alternate reality stories are bad, I just think it would work better as a mini series rather a big company wide event. That just my opinion however. Im not a big Flash fan to begin with, that maybe because i was never exposed to any great stories with him. From what I read about this is it a story about an alternate reality where the DC heroes never donned their tights. This do intrigues me however, but not enough to pick up monthly, I will be waiting for the trade on this one.
Now i have the complete opposite view on Marvel Fear Itself. Two issues in and im still excited by what to come. In the first and second issue it been established that the regular people are becoming scared and suffering from econimical reason. Sin the red skull daughter have brought back the true all father, send out hammers to the worthy, and the Asgardians are running scared. Also Odin showed Thor who boss. Most of the worthy has all been selected. Except for one, but we all know who it is if we read comic solitications. What the point in blacking out the character if his name is the title. But i got to say the most bad ass looking have to be who else but the Hulk. Look at him, he look like he going to war with the world. The only criticism i have is nothing really happened yet. It have all been setup, yes it building anticipation but it might be reason for some to drop it.
So out of the two I will say that Marvel seem to have the better event going on right now. Its more interesting to me and overall I think it was advertised pretty well. We will just have to wait and see which one is better.lol
Good review. IMHO thus far, Age of Apocalypse just seems much more interesting than Flashpoint.
I agree it is difficult to get wrapped up in Flashpoint, especially the tie-ins, with fear itself I want to know what the Avengers are doing, but with Flashpoint I dont really care what alternative Wonder Woman is up to.
Not that those stories aren't good, but It is hard to get excited by it.
Yeah its just very hard to care about them knowing at the end of it they will cease to exisit in the regular universe
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