Well with the release of Captain America Last night, the Surge of Comic book movies are over for the year (I’m including Harry Potter, and Transformers in as well because fans seems to cross over). Was it good, bad, mixed results? Click read more for my opinion of this summer blockbuster movies and my brief thoughts on each movie. Captain may be a little longer because well… It was Awesome.
This summer was very interesting, movies I thought would be done wrong blew me away, a movie that should have blew me away left me sad that they screwed up. Let’s start in order. Thor; if you read my review on it you know I loved this movie. I thought Marvel would screw this up, but Asgard was beautiful and Thor time on Earth and Asgard was split evenly.

Next Green Lantern, the crapper of the summer. I really wanted this to be good, I really did. Matter a fact my birthday being a day before it came out in theatre I wished for it to be good on my candles…..That didn’t come true. If you want to know the many reasons why it was bad check out the many reviews online, to depressing for me to bring it up.
Next, Transformers; we all know Revenge of the fallen sucked, from that I didn’t expect much from this except the fact that I get to see my city Chicago get destroyed. I was surprised this wasn’t that bad, I wasn’t too crazy about the storyline, but the fight scenes were well done and really great to look at. When it comes to Transformers that all that really matters.
I'm sure you heard the cliché save the best for last, well this is true for Captain America. This needed to be good for Marvel Avenger film to be even more heavily anticipated. I’m not going to go and give a full review because there already many who put them because they got to go to early screenings(I will be invited to attend the Avenger early screening, just not sure how yet). I saw this movie once, eyes wide open, glued to the screen having many nerdgasims all over the floor; And I’m planning to see it at least two more time doing the exact same thing. It’s simple I loved this movie; you will to.
So with all things considered it been a really good summer for us comic book fans. Next summer promises to be great as well: Spiderman, Batman-The Dark Knight, The F’in Avengers. If I have to rank the movies from greatest to least this summer it would be the results.
Captain America
Harry Potter
X-men First Class
Green Lantern
Remember come back daily, follow me, comment and feel free to vote in the best comic book movie this summer in the poll to the sideà
I Completely agree, Captain America blew me away today. I will be seeing it again easily. I loved Thor and Cap might be even better.
Obviously what negative can be said about Harry Potter? nothing.
I haven't seen Transformer 3 yet... maybe on dvd at some point.
Green Lantern was easily the weekest of the Super Hero movies this summer, but I still feel it deserves a much better rating on Rotten Tomatoes then the ridiculously 20 percent it got.
Even Cap which is easily as good as the first Iron Man, but its fresh rating is around 70. I guess if you are a professional critic you can't like every comic book movie or you lose critic cred I guess.
X-men first class, I felt exactly the same, went in cynical, came out smiling.
And Thor, oh man I loved Thor. I hope he gets a chance to really cut loose in Avengers.
I thought X-Men was the best Marvel movie this summer, but maybe that is just because they did Magneto incredibly well. I thought Thor was second best and Cap was fun but I felt it was lacking compared to the other ones.
I think Captain was so good because they wasnt really much wrong with it.It didnt blow our expections because it was already high. It just lived up to it. Which is great, and why I put it at the top of my list. Plus I want to watch it over and over
I went to see Captain America with my girlfriend and she thought it was "blah." (in her own words)I thought it did well but it didnt blow me away. Then again I really wasnt expecting to be blown away as Capatain America is really not my fav hero. All in all it was good to me mainly because like you said "Captain was so good because they wasnt really much wrong with it". Funny though that my girlfriend is more so looking forward to the avengers than anything else lol. I guess that teaser trailor won her over.
Maybe it because Ironman in it. My girlfriend love Ironman out of them all.I'm pretty sure he the selling point for non comic book women
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