Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aquaman 1 quick shot review

The only comic I picked up this week is Aquaman 1. Everyone knows that Aquaman is the butt of all jokes, he is the lamest hero ever right…….There is a common stereotype that Aquaman is a joke character and just useless when it comes to battles with villains. Geoff John addresses all these common misinterpretation of Aquaman powers and makes it pretty damn entertaining. More on this after the jump.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Quick Review-9-21

I only picked up three comics this week, all of which I thought was pretty good. One of those was pretty controversial. First lets take a look at this Fear Itself Preview.

Yeah pretty cliche way to end an event, the power-up at the last moment to defeat the villian. Remind me of how Power Rangers did every other battle. It just hard to feel anything for this event anymore. Maybe I should have just collected Spider Island instead. Well on to the reviews after the jump.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cable is Back; and quick reviews for 9-14-11

So Marvel next mini event is going to see the return of Cable and is entitled Cable X-sanction. It must be one of the ways Marvel is planning to give the X-men side of the universe more importance. Well I like Cable as a character, but I have a feeling I’m not going to like this event, just a gut feeling. However can’t judge until I read.  But not let’s get on to it, its another quick review of the comics I picked up. I so let’s start with DC.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Challengers Raffle!

      My Great Local comic book shop "Challengers Comics" is having a raffle to get new windows. The cost is for the windows is 3500 and they are selling raffle tickets for 5 bucks each. They're only looking to make enough for the windows no extra, so the raffle will only go on until they sell their 700 ticket. "What is the prize"?? Im glad you asked; second prize is $1000 of store credit, usable $25 a week for 40 weeks. First prize is  $2500 of store credit used for 100 weeks. Thats a lot of comics people. So if you live in Chicago, or you live in Illinois, or hey if you live further and want to test your luck, buy raffles tickets at Challengers. Here a link to their website, support your comic shop.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Quick reviews for 9-7-11

Yeah I was kind of like that.
     First off I apologize for my long absence, I was locked up in a containment center because my mutant gene. Long story short I escaped and burn the place down. So I’m going to start doing quick shot reviews of the comics I buy each week. Some weeks I may give some comic their own post because how bad or good it is but more often it is going to be quick reviews. It gets to the point fast and easy and let you know if you should buy it or not, because we all know our time is valuable… Alright let’s get started with Marvel.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Marvel Vs Star Wars

Ign have a versus voting poll on Marvel Vs Star Wars. Here the link .Now I'm not as big as a fan of the Star Wars universe as I am of Marvel, so in my eyes this matchup would be completly bias. I believe most fans would vote on bias as well but that not why I'm posting this. The art they have for this poll is phenomental. Jonathan Moore is a exceptional artist. Check out some of the Pictures below after the jump.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Miles- The new Ultimate Spiderman

        Sorry for the long delay on this posting. I been busy with school, and got a new job. So I know this is old news by now but i still hear some people chatting about this. Let me get this out there early, Miles Morales is African American and Hispanic; do I think this was done more for publicity then for the story, it doesnt matter. Diversity is always good. Where in the comic law book do it say that just becuase the previous Spiderman was White that the next one is. Now that I got that out here more of my thoughts on this more after the jump.